Dr. Benoist and Dr. Mathis have
focused their efforts over the last two decades on the actions of T
lymphocytes, and the genes that control how aggressive these cells are in the
body. Certain T-cells recognize molecules (auto-antigens) that target cells in
the pancreas, and therefore bring about the destruction of the
insulin-producing beta cells. Why do T-cells target pancreatic cells at all?
“This is a million dollar question. We have ideas and clues, but no real
answers,” Dr. Benoist says. Drs. Mathis and Benoist have found that a critical
part of T-cells’ involvement in the destructive process are certain receptors
on the cell surface known as T-cell receptors, which interact with molecules on
the target cells (known as MHC class I or class II molecules). It is the
interplay between the T-cell receptors and the MHC targets that determines the
onset the immune system’s attack. “Why people with diabetes cannot control
these aggressive receptors and cells is the key question,” Dr. Benoist adds.
Researchers in the Mathis/Benoist
lab also have shown that a number of “dampening” genes help control the actions
of the T-cells. Some have been clearly identified. The existence of others has
been proven by genetic analysis, but their exact identity has yet to be
formally pinpointed.
T-Cell |
The Benoist/Mathis lab uses
transgenic methods to modify the genetic composition of NOD mice, (which
frequently develop a form of diabetes similar to that in humans) to create a
series of mouse models having varying severity of diabetes depending on their
genetic makeup. Some of the mice, for example, have resistance-inducing MHC
class II molecules and, therefore, have less severe diabetes. In others the
mice are protected from diabetes when a crucial sub-population of T-cells,
important to triggering the start of the disease, are eliminated. In some mice,
the diabetes is more aggressive, including those in which the effect of
dampening molecules is reduced. The researchers have also produced mice in
which all T-cells make a receptor directed against the beta cells, making it
much easier to study the cells’ behavior. “We try to simplify the model of
disease used in the laboratory to understand it more fully,” Dr. Benoist says.
Some of these transgenic mouse models of diabetes are now used by many labs in
the world.
It is through their studies in
these specially bred nonobese diabetic (NOD) mice that Drs. Benoist and Mathis
identified the T-cells receptor action as a main culprit. “While many other
cells are involved, it appears that the T-cells call the shots on ordering the
beta cell destruction and regulating how fast the diabetes progresses,” Dr.
Mathis says.
“Once the molecular basis of
T-cell activation is fully understood, it may be possible to develop specific
treatments to regulate the activation of the autoimmune process,” says Dr.
Benoist. “It may be impossible to prevent autoimmunity, but that might not
matter if we can control its harmful consequences.” One day it may be possible
to inject peptides (small proteins) to slow down or stop the activation of the
immune system attack. Or, one day it may be possible to collect T-cells from a
patient, modify them using genetic techniques, and transfer them back to the
patient in a way that could help. Perhaps the patient would still have an
autoimmune attack, but one that does not lead to killing of the beta cells, and
could even dampen the killing by other, more aggressive, T-cells. This one day
could lead to new drugs to control the autoimmune destruction process.
The researchers also are exploring
whether virus or trauma has a role in triggering diabetes. “Possibly there is a
link but this is not proven,” Dr. Mathis says. In mice they have observed loss
in the beta cell function when the animals are stressed or develop a virus. “It
seems that the immune system is poised for beta cell destruction, but kept in
check. The infection unleashes it,” Dr. Benoist says. “The immune system has
checks and balances in place that keep it in check most of the time. But some
scientists believe that a virus, in susceptible individuals, may trigger an over stimulation of the immune system that can’t be brought back under check,
leading it to destroy more than the invading organisms, namely in the case of
diabetes, the pancreatic beta cells.”
Why do some patients with type 2
diabetes eventually need insulin to manage their blood sugar levels? The
Benoist-Mathis team is exploring the notion that the constant stimulation of
the beta cells may cause the cells to become tired and die, secondarily
activating autoimmunity. As the beta cells break apart in the process of cell
death, an overabundance of proteins associated with these cells builds up in
the body, triggering an immune system reaction that attacks the still living
beta cells, destroying them as well. “The stress of type 2 diabetes on the beta
cells could lead to type 1,” Dr. Benoist says. “This results in a type 1 and
one-half diabetes, or transitional cases of diabetes.”
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