In the late 1800's, Dr David Green became famous for curing heart conditions using a strange liquid medicine he prepared himself. No matter how many times he was asked, he would never reveal the recipe for his miraculous heart tonic. The mysterious medicine was a tincture of the 'crown of thorns' plant.
And Dr Green wasn't the only doctor at the turn of the century using it.
Word began to spread... and stories like this poured in from doctors around the world, crown of thorns extract was poised to become the ultimate cure for heart disease... but then this powerful natural treatment virtually disappeared from medical bags of doctors across the country.
The reason: around this time the first drug companies rose to power, squashing natural therapies as they pushed pharmaceuticals on the unsuspecting public.
While crown of thorns extract has fallen out of favour in the U.S., it has been thoroughly researched in Europe. One study put it head-to-head against the leading drug prescribed for heart failure. The result? Crown of thorns was as effective as the prescription, with virtually none of the dangerous side effects. It quickly and safely eases the burden of a weak heart... and has saved thousands of lives in Europe.
Crown of thorns extract is also a powerful antioxidant, which means it could help cool down inflammation in your blood vessels that leads to atherosclerosis, heart attacks and strokes.
With so much hype around this herb it is a pity that its botanical name is not mentioned. Hawthorne Berry Extract, one of the main ingredients in Cardio-Fast Capsules. So whenever you read about the miracle of Crown of Thorns, remember it is available in our Cardio-Fast formula.

Crown of Thorns is HAWTHORNE!
ReplyDeleteI have the plants, and trimmed them and here came this gushing white milk substance and said to myself this has to be goid for something, and i was right. Thank you for your wisdom and knowledge of what oyr creator put on earth for our benefit!