Saturday 18 May 2013

DISEASE, an Unnatural Condition - Part 3


. . means dirty blood, poor digestion and low energy.     


When the intestines have too much waste matter, parasites, fungus and harmful bacteria, there results a serious interference with the digestive process. Even if a person’s intestinal tract were polluted with just a mild amount of this undesirable filth, he or she could have sluggish peristaltic action, which causes constipation. How does the body adjust to cooked food, processed food and refined food - dead foods? The body creates mucus and uses this mucus as a filter. All the surfaces of the digestive tract that are designed to absorb the nutrients from food become covered with mucus film that protects blood from toxins. The mucus film begins at the tongue and continues all the way through the intestines. Many people can see this mucus on their tongue. People who have a thick mucus coating on their intestines usually have white tongues as if they just ate sour cream. The body creates a little mucus, to begin with, to filter out the toxins from the dead food. The more dead food we consume, the more mucus the body produces as a protection. The more harmful the food substances are to the body, the more this mucous film builds up. As the years go by it becomes thicker and harder. Portions of this thick mucus get pushed into pockets called diverticuli as we cram through more and more dead food into the digestive tract in an effort to squeeze some nutritional value out of it.

You may ask: What is the mucus made of? The human body, brilliant as always, creates the mucus from the dead food itself! This mucus covers our entire digestive tract, to prevent us from absorbing the toxins in dead food that would make the body too sick. Because of the mucoid plaque, our nutrient assimilation becomes low. The mucoid plaque protects us from
absorbing toxins, but at the same time we cannot absorb nutrients. The more mucus we have, the fewer nutrients we can receive. After a number of years of eating too much dead food, we develop severe nutritional deficiencies, become less energetic and finally sick with diseases.

When we go on raw-live food and stay with it, this mucoid plaque can be dissolved. With the aid of herbal preparations and exercise, the body will eliminate it faster. The longer we eat raw-live food, the more plaque gets dissolved.

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