Tuesday 17 December 2013


A burn is damage to your bodies tissues caused  by heat,chemicals,electricity, sunlight or radiation.  Scalds from hot liquids and steam, building fires and flammable liquids and gases are the most common causes of burns.

The depth of the burn determines its severity.

First degree burns damage the outer layer of the skin (epidermis) and cause pain, redness and swelling (erythema).

Second degree burns damage the epidermis and the inner layer, the dermis, causing erythema and blistering. 

Damage from third degree burns extend into the hypo-dermis  causing destruction of the full thickness of the skin with its nerve supply. Third degree burns leave scars and may cause loss of function and/or sensation.

Burns can cause severe swelling, blistering, scarring and, in serious cases, shock and even death. they can also lead to infections because they damage the skins protective barrier. Derma-Kure Cream can prevent or treat infections. After a third degree burn, you need skin or synthetic grafts to cover exposed tissue and encourage new skin to grow. First and second degree burns usually heal without grafts.


The ingredients Calendula and Cantharis, are specifically indicated to relieve pain and prevent infection in burn wounds. Derma-Kure Cream is an ideal debriding agent in burn wounds. The product keeps the wound moist while promoting granulation and epithelization to reduce the healing time and the trauma associated with burn wounds. 
For more information on Derma-Kure Cream and other products, please visit our website and for any upcoming specials on products like us on Facebook: DNA Biopharm South Africa (Derma Science Labs).

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