Atopic dermatitis, or eczema, is a chronic skin disorder. When it is flaring up - which can be weekly or monthly for some — it is characterized by red, itchy skin. This condition usually occurs in patients with a personal or family history of allergic asthma, rhinitis, conjunctivitis, or food allergies.
Environmental factors can have a
big effect on your eczema. To prevent irritation, you should minimize the use
of soaps, solvents, and other drying compounds. If soaps are to be used they
should have a neutral pH (examples: Dove,
Neutrogena or our special eczema soap).
Since residual laundry detergent in clothes may also be irritating, a
second rinse cycle would be beneficial. Changing detergents may also help.

For hand dermatitis—which many
eczema patients have—it is especially important to avoid irritant contact with
solvents, soaps and detergents. Also avoid jobs and hobbies that require
exposure to these irritants, as well as to dust, dirt, and heat. If you wash
frequently, it is important to apply emollients after every washing; also
trying a non-water cleansing method, such as Cetaphil, may be beneficial. Wearing
appropriate gloves when using potential irritants is also important.
If sweating causes itching, modify
your activity and surroundings to minimize sweating. Work and sleep in a fairly
constant temperature and humidity. Wear open-weave, loose-fitting garments made
of cotton blends, rather than wool or stiff fabrics.
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