Your immune system fights off invaders and sickness using a two-pronged defense:
• Th1 lymphocytes, white blood cells that direct an assault on infected cells
• Th2 lymphocytes, white blood cells that produce antibodies that try to block dangerous microbes from invading your cells (Th2 lymphocytes are also the cells that drive allergic responses to foreign organisms)
If a child is raised in an environment doused in antibacterial soaps and cleansers, given antibiotics that kill off all of the good and bad bacteria in their gut, and kept away from the natural dirt, germs, viruses and other grime of childhood, they are not able to build up resistance to disease, and they become vulnerable to illnesses, disease and other health problems later in life.

Consume Friendly Bacteria. Beneficial microorganisms colonize our intestinal, lower urinary and upper respiratory tracts. They outcompete bad “bugs” and enhance immune function. You can consume such bacteria in the form of live-cultured products such as yogurt, sauerkraut and kimchi. Probiotic supplements, available at natural food stores, may reduce the risk of antibiotic-induced diarrhea, viral diarrhea, vaginitis and respiratory infections.
Expose Yourself. Vitamin D plays a number of roles in promoting normal immune function. Vitamin D deficiency correlates with asthma, cancer, several autoimmune diseases (e.g., multiple sclerosis), and susceptibility to infection (including viral respiratory infections). One study linked deficiency to a greater likelihood of carrying MRSA (methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus) in the nose.
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Sources of Vitamin D |

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